Hello Inspired Mic fans! Yes, in a week we will kick off our July event! We have a couple spots open, so please contact me right away if you would like to fill one! These slots will go quickly as I am advertising on social media and email. This event will be special. Check out the guidelines for presenters at: Inspired Mic Presenter Guidelines.
For those who may not know, Michele and I attended a Red Carpet event in Beverly Hills, CA this past weekend. We met actors, actresses, agents, movie producers and directors, and other movie industry related folk. The experience was exhilarating and educational. We (if I can get Michele to speak a few minutes) will recount some of our experiences out there.
If you’ve ever wondered what goes down on a red carpet event, or what it is like to be there, hopefully we will be able to fill you in on some of the ‘lowdown’ info. The experience indeed felt surreal, exciting, and optimistic. I’m including some of the photos from the event on this post.
Please get your tickets early as we do have a limited number of seats available. You may purchase them online at this link: The Inspired Mic Tickets.
It’s always exciting when we put together an Inspired Mic, and this one will be no exception. Remember, if you’d like to be a presenter, contact me right away at: Author@MichaelRayKing.com. See you there!