Inspired Mic Thursday October 20th!

loglineThursday night delivers Flagler County the next Inspired Mic! The New Europa hosts this event every third Thursday of the month. The Inspired Mic is all about local talent getting on stage and showing the world the creative endeavors on which they’re working.

October brings us at least 3 first-time presenters and a number of folks who have not presented at the Mic for quite a while. There is a vibrant, creative collection of people all around us who need and desire the support of our community. Without an audience, their work goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

Creativity needs to be supported and encouraged. Civilizations throughout history have proven that ages of creative endeavor deliver positivity and ‘renaissance’ to the people. This cannot be achieved on a “mass-market” scale. Creativity springs from individuals and small collections of people who endeavor to bring something new into our lives and our world.

So please, set aside a few hours Thursday night and enjoy the delicious food at the Europa, the wonderful atmosphere of this event, as well as the work the presenters show us. Great food, wonderful atmosphere, and entertainment you won’t find anywhere else! Get your tickets here! Inspired Mic Tickets

Tickets purchased in advance online are $10.50 At the door the night of the event the cost is $15. Get your tickets now and save!

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