The Inspired Mic Recap

December’s Inspired Mic possessed a buzz, an energy. The room pushed capacity limits. Everyone appeared upbeat and excited. Yes, Christmas day stood less than a week away. Typically, over the past six years, the proximity to Christmas caused attendance to wane a bit. Not this night.

Our presenters lunged out of the gate with material which brought loads of laughter and not a few tears. Singers pushed themselves to drive power into their song. Storytellers reached for the words, not only necessary, but critically important for the laugh or the poignant thought.

I experienced the pleasure of meeting a gentleman, Randall Crosby, through Toastmasters. I’m going to use four short video clips of Randall, which he graciously shared with me, to give you a sense of the evening.

I met Randall through a series of referrals from Toastmasters I barely know. They knew of me, though, and Randall sought me out in late June of 2019. You see, Randall is blind. He needed a ride to Tallahassee for Toastmaster Officer Training. I happened to be going since I had missed the closer training location dates in Orlando and Jacksonville.

I agreed to pick him up. We enjoyed wonderful conversation to and from the training. I also got to see how this man handled himself in a “seeing” person’s world. He is nothing short of amazing.

I told him about The Inspired Mic. He expressed interest. I forgot all about it until he contacted me around the first of December to see if he could be a presenter. I assured him we would be honored!

The following 53 second clip is his opening. The video is courtesy of his lovely wife.

Randall Crosby begins his presentation

Randall establishes he’s blind with wonderful humor. He also sets up the context of his presentation – an advertisement for a Help Wanted position.

Randall held up a sign which read, “Help Wanted – Blinds Salesman”

Needless to say, when he held up the sign, the room burst out in laughter. He’d kept us in the dark about the interview until he walked up to the lady at the business and stated, “I wish to apply for your advertised job for a blinds salesman. I have over 20 years experience! I’m perfect for this job!

As Randall winds down his presentation, he still tosses us some humor…

At this point, Randall has won all of us over. This was his first time presenting at The Inspired Mic, and we hope he will return for more!

Randall closes and enjoys an appreciative response from the audience.

The Inspired Mic is only a few months away from completing our 7th year. That comprises over 80 events including special events like “In the Prose of Passion” a steamy romance writer-driven event, and Pen Meets Brush at Salvo Art where J. J. Graham interpreted ten presenters’ work through paint on a massive canvas.

Each month delivers amazing presentations by people you run into every day. They’re retired. They’re students. They work in businesses around town. But one special night each month, each gets to step out of obscurity, up to the mic, and release their creative labors of love.

We hope to see you at Hidden Treasures Raw Bar and Grill in Flagler Beach on Thursday, January 16th at 6:00pm. 🙂


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