The Inspired Mic – Resurrected!!

Easter Sunday it poured rain while I, Becky Magnolia (Pourchot) sat at a cafe table across from Michael Ray King, his new wife beside me. Thunder boomed as the cars outside on Palm Coast Parkway negotiated the ever-growing puddles.  

An electric excitement coursed between us as Mike and I reminisced about the Inspired Mic and all our friends who helped make the event what it had become over the past years. The two-year absence of The Inspired Mic had been two years too long, we agreed.

Mike has been busy, running the Honey Baked Ham Cafe, and enjoying life with his lovely new bride Natasha. And me?  Well, I’ve been on adventures of my own and now, we agreed, it was time. 

“I’m willing to do what it takes to get this thing going,” I said to Mike and I saw that spark in his eye, the familiar joy of an old friend who missed doing what he loves.

And so, we give you – The Inspired Mic, Resurrected!.  

Our first event will be Tuesday, June 7 at 6 pm (doors open at 5:30) at The Hammock Wine and Cheese, 5368 North Oceanshore Blvd Palm Coast  32137  They’ve got a great little stage, good wine and food, and a gorgeous outdoor seating area under the old oaks. 

So pull out your dusty poems, your old guitars, your magic tricks, your newly published books, and come join us for a night of creativity and inspiration.

Tickets are just $10. You can order them in advance or buy them at the door. If you would like to perform, send me your bio and what you plan to offer and I’ll get you on the roster. My email is:

From Michael:

Speaking with Becky and reminiscing about the many incredible moments through seven years’ worth of Inspired Mic events, I could not help but get excited about bringing it back! I’m looking forward to connecting with many past presenters as well as meeting new creative hearts and minds. 
Join us on June 7th as we reinvigorate our creative endeavors. 😃

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