
Michael Ray King Standing 300dpiJust What IS The Inspired Mic?

In May of 2013, Michael Ray King and Jeff Swesky started up The Inspired Mic as a forum for writers to present their work to a live audience and overcome their fears of presenting their work. The setting was the lovely outdoors at The BeachHouse Beanery in Flagler Beach. With evening moons looking over the ocean and excellent food, the setting was outstanding! The premiss is simple: each writer gets six minutes behind the microphone to present their work. There are no restrictions on genre or content.

The first event drew twenty people, eighteen of which were the presenters! LOL! The next month, however, forty-two people showed up to hear what the local writers were coming up with. In addition to writers, The Inspired Mic opened its arms to magicians, musicians, mentalists, painters, actors, hip hop, and more. The third month, The Inspired Mic drew over seventy people!

The event was held every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. Tickets are always on sale online at The Inspired Mic.

In December of 2014, The Inspired Mic moved to Leroy’s 19th Hole at the Cypress Knoll Golf Course to accommodate its growing audience. The BeachHouse Beanery can only seat thirty-five people comfortably. Leroy’s offers great food, a full bar, and room for over 100 people. Even so, The Inspired Mic returned to its roots at The Beanery in the summer of 2015 on the first Tuesday of the month!

Now, The Inspired Mic has found a perfect fit for its eclectic nature at the Europa in the European Village in Palm Coast, Florida. The setting oozes entertainment, the lighting and ambiance perfect for an evening such as The Inspired Mic offers.

As The Inspired Mic continues to grow, new facets are being added to make the event more enjoyable for audiences as well as more beneficial to the creative people who fuel the presentations. Filming will begin soon so that presenters will have a recording of their presentation not only to show friends and family, but also to help them promote their craft.

The Inspired Mic boasts participants from nine-years-old to ninety. The food is always great. The setting always special, and the evening always entertaining!



About — 6 Comments

  1. I hope you received my email and phone voice mail regarding reading on May 19 and postponing to June, instead.

  2. Hi Michael:
    I’m wondering if you still have any presenter spots available for your next Inspired mic on June 2.
    I’d like to perform a new song and spoken word piece
    Boy did I Love my first Inspired Mic!

    • I do have a couple. I am going to send out an email later today reminding everyone that those who follow the guidelines will have their place saved. Mainly, send me your 40 word introduction and get your ticket to secure your place. If my email gets to you and you’ve already done so, please disregard! Looking forward to your presentation!

  3. Hi Mike,

    Marissa is interested in singing a song, and playing guitar at an upcoming event. When is the next opening, and what is the process for getting her on?

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